Iron Blade Vols. 18-19 Fall 1972-Spring 1974
Vol. 19 #13 (March 27, 1974) Page 1 “Black Week Open To All Students” by Virginia Parker
This week is the fourth annual Black Week, organized by Ferrum’s Black Student Union, and sponsored by Andrew Baskin and Rev. Herbert Hobbs. This year the B.S.U. 's principle aim is to emphasize what students can do.
Careful organization has produced a full and interesting week. On Sunday, Rev. Godfrey Tate, who is a District Superintendent of the Methodist Church and a member of the Board of Trustees, here at Ferrum, presented the sermon in Vaughn Chapel. Sunday night in the gym the Norfolk State Dance Theatre presented a performance in modern dance. An art exhibit by Ferrum art students was presented Monday night in the Stanley Library. Tuesday for insight the B.S.U. had Rev. Elzbert Figers of Dayton, Ohio speak. Also on Tuesday, the movie “The Learning tree” was shown in Garber 106 at 7:30 and 9:30. Tonight at 6:00 a banquet will be held in the Fellowship Hall of Vaughn Chapel. The speaker will be the Director of the Central Y.W.C.A Day Care center, Mrs. Johnson. Thursday the speaker for insight program will be Huston Barker, who spoke on black literature. Professor Baker teaches English at the University of Virginia. He has written two books and approximately twenty-five articles. At the age of 25, Professor Baker was teaching at Yale University.
Friday night at 7:30 in the Fellowship Hall of Vaughn Chapel, a miss B.S.U. Pageant will be held. The contest is based much on the same criteria as those of national contests. There will be nine contestants who will be judged by three off-campus judges. The judging will be based on talent, dress (evening & casual), overall personality, and impromptu questions. Those, participating are Deborah Polk, Charlotte Scales, Robyn Mennefree, Vickie Williams, “Foxy” Fineley, Nacine King, Aubrey Johnson, Jane Russel, and Bathsheba McClehann. Admission is $1.00 without an invitation. Saturday night the B.S.U. will end the week with a dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Black Max will be playing. Ferrum College students are admitted free; Cost for non-students is $2.
The Black Student Union wishes to make Black Week a week in which all students of Ferrum will participate. The main idea of this program is to give those interested insight into black culture. I believe it is a strong building block in the bridge across a gap between the black and the white students at Ferrum College, and that we as a whole student body should make the most of it.