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Black Student Union: Baskin Complains (3/1980)

The history of Ferrum Colleges Black Student Union.

Iron Blade Vols. 25-27 Fall 1979-Spring 1982

Vol. 25 #10 (March 13, 1980) Page 2 “Baskin Complains” by Andrew Baskin


Once before I leave Ferrum I would hope that those individuals responsible for the selection of judges for the cheerleading tryouts would choose more than one black judge. Each year there is only one black judge or there are no black judges. Before Ferrum can classify itself as a truly integrated community, this type of tokenism must cease. Why can’t two individuals who happen to be black, be be judges the same year? Why can’t over half of the panel be black? In fact, why can’t on occasions the entire panel be composed of blacks? If, as we proclaim, that Ferrum is a Christian community, a positive response to none of the preceding questions should bother the white community at Ferrum. If the white community cannot supply positive responses to the questions, then they should understand how many in the black community feel.

In previous years, the panel has always been all white or either all white with one black face. Black Americans are members of a minority group and the panel of judges for the election of cheerleaders reemphasize that fact. Someone may respond that not enough qualified blacks are available. Well, I know four blacks on this campus who have judged tryouts and other events. Another response may be there are no black alumni in the area. Well, I know some who would be willing and anxious to judge. If an effort was made, the problem would be solved. I hope that when additional cheerleaders are selected in the fall, this issue will be considered. Ferrum can improve, but only if the individuals in charge are willing to allow it to change.