Make sure you check your campus mail every day. Library notices and updates will come through email, as well as other library students asking if anyone can work for them.
We rely on you, and we need you to be here when you're scheduled to work.
While there's some natural leniency during the first week of each semester as everyone is getting their classes and other parts of their schedule settled and figured out, after the first week, we need you to be at work when you're scheduled to be here--to be on time, and to stay your full shift.
If you miss two of the same shifts for non-medical reasons, you will be removed from that shift. At the very least, a supervisor may ask you if you want to be rescheduled.
If you cannot be there, we expect you to tell us ahead of time as soon as you know, whether this means a few hours in advance or a few weeks. You will also need to search for someone else to replace you. (See Trading Shifts below for how to do this.) Missing a shift without letting us know in advance unless you had an emergency of some kind that prevented you from contacting us will count as an unexcused absence.
Two unexcused absences may result in termination.
Aside from emergencies and medical reasons, there are three possible exceptions to this-- and you won't need to find a replacement for these exceptions. The first is during exams. Exam times often (and usually) conflict with work schedules. If you still have hours left to work, we might be able to make special arrangements for you to work other times since many students have run out of work-study hours by that point in the semester. Either way, we would still appreciate you letting us know ahead of time that you will not be able to come in.
Second, there are times during severe weather--particularly ice or heavy snow--when you may not feel that it is safe to come to work. If this is the situation and the library is open, contact the library with a phone call or email to a supervisor and the Stanley library address to let us know that you will need to be out. The library is almost always open unless the whole campus is closed.
Finally, over the years, there have been several extended power outages on campus. The library typically stays open through outages during daylight, but you aren't expected to work during an outage. However, if the power comes back on before or during your normal shift, call the library or your supervisor to see if we are open and if you should work. Calling is preferred because the campus network doesn't always work immediately after an outage, so an email might not get through.
Medical absences: There have been students over the years who needed to miss an extended time (several days or even weeks) for medical reasons. These won't count as unexcused absences as long as you let us know how long or approximately how long you may miss, though you will still be responsible for finding someone to work your missed shifts. (If the absence is going to be more than a week, we may also ask to see something like a doctor's or hospital note.)
Keep track of your hours worked and submit them for approval at the end of each pay period--your immediate supervisor will tell you your deadline--via your Panther Portal. You are responsible for making sure your time card is submitted by the deadline.
Be accurate--if you come in late or leave early, this will need to be reflected on your time card. Make certain not to add time on the card you didn't work--frequently claiming hours you did not work may result in termination. You will also need to write your hours into the binder next to the service desk every time you report to and leave work.
Eric will review and approve the time cards. After you submit your card, particularly if you submit it on Sunday, make sure to check your email afterward. If the card needs to be rejected over any mistakes or changes that are needed, you will get an email notification that your card was rejected.
If you miss the deadline, send Eric an email listing your days and hours. But bare in mind that missing that deadline might mean getting paid two weeks late.
Students are paid through direct deposit every other Friday.
You are required to work as closely as possible to the amount of work-study hours you are given per semester. Students who start work at the beginning of the semester and still have 100 or more hours remaining at the end will not be allowed to return to work at the library the following semester.
Again, if you know in advance that you will not be able to work one of your shifts, tell us this as soon as you know, whether this means a few hours, days, or week ahead of time, and try to find somebody to work for you.
We understand that there are emergencies and other unforeseeable circumstances that will require you to miss time with little to no warning. However, we need students covering the service desk, so it is extremely important that if you cannot be at work then you find someone to work for you as soon as you're able.
How you make the switch is up to you--talking to people directly or sending out an email to all the other work-studies, for instance (email is preferred). But once the switch is made then email the stanleylibrary address, including the time of the shift, who will be working for you, and the reason for missing your shift. if you email the other students asking for a replacement, be sure to also include the stanleylibrary address on that message as well. Giving a false reason for missing a shift may result in automatic termination.
You won't be able to find a volunteer every time you need to be off. We understand that--the main thing is that you ask.
If you ask people to trade shifts with you--especially if you need to do this several times--then be willing to work for other students when they need off. Students who repeatedly ask for someone to work for them but refuse to work for others will soon find that nobody is willing to step up and cover shifts for them.
Again, you do not need to find a replacement during severe weather or power outages; it isn't required during exams but often students will want to pick up extra hours by the end of the semester, so looking for a replacement then is encouraged.
If you realize that there will be multiple times when you will not be able to make a shift, due to something like athletics, theater rehearsals, etc., then your supervisor can approve a permanent change to your schedule. Again, if you miss the same shift twice for non-medical reasons, you may be permanently removed from that shift.
If you miss a large portion of your work shifts over the semester for non-medical reasons, particularly during busy times--even if you follow the rules--you may not be asked to come back the following semester, or you may be placed on attendance probation. Being placed on probation means that if you miss more than about 25% of your schedule shifts over a total of two weeks (they don't have to be back-to-back weeks) for non-medical reasons, your employment with the library can be terminated.
Socializing at the desk is not allowed. The desk needs to stay clear for patrons needing assistance. If a friend stops at the desk to converse with you, ask them to speak with you at a time you are not working.
This rule does not apply if a professor or other campus employee comes to the desk to talk to you. We don't want to put you in a position where you are forced to try telling them to leave.
Ferrum College has no official dress code. It is each employee's responsibility to dress appropriately and does not constitute a safety hazard. The library's dress code is casual, but the student should not wear anything unprofessional. Examples of what shouldn't be worn on the job:
If a student violates the library's dress code, the supervisor can ask them to change their attire or leave for the day. A second or repeated violation of this policy may result in termination of employment.
While pandemic rules are in place, wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth is also required. You must also wear your mask for the duration of your shift.
Drinks are allowed as long as they are kept under the counter. Eating behind the service desk is not allowed. If you need to eat, ask a supervisor's permission, and eat at the desk in Public Services.
You are allowed to have your phone with you at work, but only to use it for a moment or two at a time. Your phone should be put away most of your shift or inside the desk if you're charging it. Bluetooth and other forms of phones kept on you're not allowed.
If you unplug the sensitizer to charge your phone, be sure to plug it back in.
Videos, music, headphones, and earbuds are not allowed.
If you work a 4-hour shift, you get a 15-minute break on the clock.
If you work longer than 4 hours, you'll get the 15-minute break plus a half-hour break off the clock.
If you need to leave the desk for more than just a moment (whether it’s work-related or not), let a supervisor know that you’re leaving and where you’ll be. It doesn’t have to be Eric, unless he is the only supervisor you see on the floor. If you leave the desk for longer than 10 minutes for non-work-related reasons, you will be required to deduct the missing time from your time card. If you are having some sort of emergency while working the supervisor you need to talk to would be Eric UNLESS he is not on campus in which case talk with any of the supervisors.
Sooner or later, there will be a time when all your work is complete, and the library is slow, then you need to provide desk coverage. During downtime, you're allowed to do a quiet activity like read or do homework at the desk. But bear in mind that you shouldn't expect to be able to do personal work on any given shift. With that being said, you should not have your head down facing your phone at any given time. Also, if a staff member asks you to do something, you are required to do it--otherwise, you will be asked to clock out and leave for the day.
Under no circumstances are you allowed to give out anyone's private information.
This can include student ID numbers, a phone number not in a public directory, an email address, and so on. We want to protect people's privacy whether or not they are affiliated with Ferrum College. Also, a lot of student information is protected by the Federal Education Records Privacy Act (FERPA), so giving out certain kinds of information without the student's consent may be illegal.
But this is also an issue you don't need to handle yourself. If anyone asks for the personal information of any kind and they are unhappy with your refusing to answer, you can turn the question over to a supervisor.