Rachel Walton
Interim Director / Interlibrary Loan Coordinator
JB Von Preysing
Library Assistant
Danny Adams
Evening Services Library Assistant
Service Desk: X5182
Welcome to Stanley Library! The jobs here are the best on-campus and can give you plenty of good work experience for after you've graduated from Ferrum. We have confidence that you'll do a good job at the library - if we didn't, we wouldn't have hired you, after all. The library rules are listed below, and while none of them are complicated, we need you to adhere to all of them.
Stanley Library is the intellectual nerve center of Ferrum College.
In addition to offering books, DVDs, AV equipment, and other items, we are the central location on campus for research and study groups. We make space available for classrooms and group meetings; teach library and research instruction sessions; and help coordinate research programs among faculty and departments. Working at the service desk, you will often be the face of the library and the first person people come to when they need help.
Ground floor: Books with catalog numbers from M-Z, all of our oversized books (catalog numbers starting with a lowercase q), bound volumes of journals and magazines, and study carrels. This floor is a quiet area. The Carter Center is also on this floor but not accessible from the book stacks, as well as the A/V Auditorium.
Lobby: The library annex’s foyer contains the tiered classroom, LA (Library Annex) 101.
Main floor: Service desk, Public Services, Technical Services, Director’s Office, public computers, reference books, children’s books, new unbound journals and magazines (generally those within the last year), new newspapers, the Digital Media Center, the Audio Lab, the Writing Center, the Greer Art Gallery, study areas (though this is not considered a quiet area), and the LEaP Studio. All of the staff offices are on this level.
Top floor: Books with catalog numbers from A-L, more public computers, the Learning Commons, classrooms numbered in the 200s (annex) and 300s (by the book stacks and commons), three study rooms, the Nave (with children’s and educational books, reserved for education students only), archives – consisting of the college archives, the Thomas Stanley collection, and the Keister Greer collection - the Methodist Archive, the Veterans’ Lounge, and the Founders Room.