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Stanley Library Homepage: Reserve A Space

Reserve a Space

Stanley Library accepts gifts of books and other materials in addition to monetary donations. Recent gift collections have been very valuable in building our holdings, and good collections or single volumes are always welcome.

Nevertheless, these gifts-in-kind are sometimes difficult to put to good use, and the library reserves both the right to be selective in accepting gifts and the option of using the donations as the staff sees fit. Items not added to the collection may be donated elsewhere, sold, or discarded.

Stanley Library houses a variety of spaces, which can be reserved for individual or group use.  Select the area below that you wish to reserve and you will be directed to a calendar of dates and times to choose from.

Digital Media Center– Two workstations located on the first floor of the Library with Adobe Create Suite.  A kit for each station, which includes a wireless keyboard and mouse, can be checked out from the Service Desk. Stations are also equipped with a large display monitor for group work.

Green Screen – The library has a portable green screen, a green screen kit, and additional lighting, a video camera on a tripod, and a whiteboard for script notes that can be checked out.  Use the link to make an appointment or visit the service desk on the main floor.

Study Rooms– Three small rooms located on the top floor of the Library, which can accommodate up to four students.  A kit for each room can be checked out from the Service Desk.  Each room is equipped with a whiteboard and a large display screen to connect your mobile device to.